Training Materials Project Recruitment

For the training materials project, we are compiling information about the various web tools that we studied in this course. To be able to thoroughly complete the project we need one person from every group that studied a web tool (Jing, Diigo, etc), and a SmartBoard training manual, as well as information on netbook procedures. We need people who are knowledgeable about specific web tools, and those who know how to operate the SmartBoard. No specific skills required

4 responses to this post.

  1. This is my fisrt choice.
    Of all of the three options this is the one I feel I am most qualified for. I feel I have a strong knowledge of both Diigo and Prezi and I also have experience teaching both of these web tools from previouis assignments.

    My second choice would be the HELP WANTED blog post which relates to film making. The reason this is my second choice is because the last choice which requires website design is neither something I am interested in, or am very knowledgable with. Also, I have some experience with film making from other courses.


  2. Posted by lstrosen on November 29, 2010 at 7:19 pm

    I think I would be qualified to be in this group as I am a strong Google docs supporter and have experience with Prezi and Jing as well. Not only have I taught/prepared lessons for these tools, I have introduced Google docs into one of my other courses and the musical 🙂
    My second choice would be the video because I am not keen on web design and I think outside the box. (I also brought a lot of ideas to the table last time and supplied several props.) I may not be an amazing editor, but I can help think of different perspectives to make the video successful.


  3. This is my first choice because I have just learned most if not all of the basic knowledge needed for the smartboard which will help teachers who missed, did not attend or did not remember what they learnt at Ms. Cuttle’s smartboard workshop. I can also put some material on googlesites if that is also something that the teachers in our school are interested in learning.

    My second choice is the school video group because the web design project is not something that would really interest me.


  4. It is nice to know that one does not need prior skills to actually be part of this crew. I would gladly help you out on your work and I do not mind learning some few tricks along the way. I am very confident in trying to make proper tutorial and guides that will help teachers and students on how they can use and probably improve on using the web tools that are available to us.


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